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Decoding some of the mystery surrounding child support in Indiana

On Behalf of | Apr 15, 2024 | Firm News

Child support can seem like a mysterious concept to many parents in Indiana because no two people pay the same amount. This is true even though the Indiana Child Support Rules and Guidelines have been implemented by the state Supreme Court. How is that possible? What determines the amount of child support that a parent might be ordered to pay in Indiana? And how does the money actually get from one parent to the other?

In reality, there are many different factors that oftentimes come into play with child support in Indiana, including both parents’ weekly income, cost of work-related childcare expenses, cost of the children’s portion of health insurance, number of overnights exercised by both parents.  Additionally, if either parent has a prior born child or a subsequently born child, those are additional factors taking into consideration in calculating the child support obligation.

Payment and enforcement

Payment of child support, like payment for most things, is evolving into the use of digital platforms in Indiana. If a parent gets an Income Withholding Order sent to an employer, that employer will automatically deduct certain amounts from the parent’s paycheck for child support payments. Payments are routed to the Indiana State Central Collection Unit. Payments can be made online, or even payments that are mailed are still accepted.

Enforcement of child support orders can really hit home for parents who do not pay. Some enforcement methods for non-payment include: court-ordered income withholding; taking any federal or state tax returns; suspending licenses; and even revoking passports, among several other options.

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